Completing this form acts as a referral to the Woad Farm Project. 

Our 1:1 sessions and small support groups are provided particularly for children and young people who meet the following criteria: 

  • Aged between 5-18 at the time sessions will begin.
  • Are able to access a method of transport to attend the Project in Hanslope, MK
  • Have experienced any form of trauma including; bullying, social exclusion and/or poor mental health/wellbeing. 

It is important that the referral form is completed with as much information as possible to support us to assign young people to groups/session leaders and ensure we can contact you.

Please ensure you have permission to refer this young person from the parent/carer or guardian before completing this form. We process referrals as they come to us, and will allocate spaces on this basis.

Groups are kept small to ensure ratios are supportive, but we work hard to ensure no young people wait for longer than 6 weeks to be added to a programme.  

Please be aware that due to  maternity leave within our small team, we are not running our next referral sessions until after February half term 2024. 

Short on time? You can save for later at the bottom of this form. 

Professional Referral for therapeutic programme

Please complete this form to refer a young person for 1:1 support or to participate in our next referral program (the next cohort begin in February 2024).

Referrer details

What type of session are you interested in?(Required)

Child's details

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please share with us the reasons you are applying and the level of impact this has on the child (there is room to expand below, please indicate if you would prefer us to reach out for a discussion regarding your applications).(Required)
Are you aware of any additional safeguarding concerns or issues around this child?(Required)
Is the child able to to attend during the hours of 9am-3pm (do you have consent or approval for the child to be released from school for this?)
The sessions are designed to support children independently, however, some children may still need adult support. Would you consider it necessary for a parent/carer/enabler to attend with the child?(Required)
Does the child speak english?(Required)
Is this child entitled to pupil premium?(Required)
Is this child a looked after child?(Required)

Final Eligibility Checker

Is the child able to travel to the farm in Hanslope to attend sessions?(Required)
Do you have the parent/carer or guardian's consent to submit this referral and share their child's personal information with us?(Required)
Would the child have any difficulties accessing the uneven terrain at the farm? (*if yes group sessions may not be possible due to the facilities, however, 1:1 sessions may be appropriate and available)(Required)
How do you intend to meet the cost of these sessions?(Required)

"Going to the farm is one of the most fun parts of my week. I look forward to spending time with the animals and stroking them. I have a favourite because he is so cute. When I leave the farm I feel calmer and more chilled out."
Young Farm visitor
Open session